Mother Knows Best: Business Lessons from the 3Pointer Moms — 3Points Communications

3Points Communications
2 min readMay 10, 2019


Each year in May, Mother’s Day offers the perfect time to take a step back and acknowledge the never-ending commitment our mothers have made to us and our families. In many instances, people can get wrapped up in work and other “high-priority” responsibilities, resulting in less time to appreciate what truly matters.

At 3Points, we subscribe to an inviting, inclusive, and collaborative culture that we have worked to curate since day one. We strive to do good and do good work, just as we’ve learned from you know who. However, none of what we do would have been possible without the countless hours of learning and growth that our mothers have provided.

As we approach Mother’s Day this upcoming weekend, we wanted to reflect on how our mothers’ wisdom has bolstered the professional development of each member of our team. Below, each 3Pointer shared the maternal lessons that left the greatest impact on them and how those lessons have impacted their personal and professional lives.

  • Giving 100% to your loved ones and your work is hard, but worth it. Will Ruben, from his mother, Josie
  • Always treat others with respect, because if you lose respect, you lose everything. Lorna Kiewert, from her mother, SueAllyn
  • No matter what you do in your career, contentment is not primarily derived from income, title, or material wealth. Drew Mauck, from his mother, Rosemary
  • Work hard, but never forget to recognize the dignity of every person you meet, no matter who they are. Katie O’Shea, from her mother, Nina
  • Treat others how you would like to be treated. Sam Svoboda, from his mother, Jill
  • If you always take the high road, you’ll always be glad that you did. Madeline Hayden, from her mother, Suzie
  • Inner beauty is far more important than the premise of any cosmetic product. Juliet Sage, from her mother, Lynne
  • Make your bed every morning. It’s not about creating a neat sleeping space, but rather a routine that will change the way you approach your tasks the rest of the day. Jeffrey Rabin, from his mother, Shelly
  • Work efficiently and accurately, taking time to make sure you do the job correctly. Mike Costanzo, from his mother, Amy

The team here at 3Points wanted to be sure to take time to acknowledge the women who have made such an impact on us, both as people and professionals. None of us would be where we are today without the love and dedication of our mothers. Let us know in the comments about some of the key lessons, or words of wisdom, your mother imparted to you.

