3Points’ 2018 Resolutions

3Points Communications
5 min readJan 8, 2018


Welcome to 2018!

We hope that your end-of-year celebrations were full of family, friends, fun, and fond remembrances of the past year. As we embrace the beginning of the new year and discern ways in which we can propel our company forward, we’ve been reflecting on the progress we made on last year’s resolutions.

At the beginning of 2017, we had our work cut out for us. We hoped to create a more well-rounded output for our clients, and we outlined several attainable goals to strive toward during the following 12 months. While client work always takes precedence over work we do for 3Points itself, we certainly made good progress and implemented a sound internal structure that allows us to keep progressing toward our goals.

Inspired by last year’s advancements and ready to take 3Points to the next level, we are excited to share with you each of our team members’ resolutions for 2018.

Anna Bradley — Social Media Specialist

My 2018 resolution is twofold. I hope to familiarize myself with Adobe’s Creative Cloud so that I can lead our internal marketing initiatives when it comes to design, as well as allow 3Points to offer a greater spectrum of design services to clients. I also would like to become more involved in client-facing work as a whole, working in our HR Tech practice in particular to expand our client base and assist with existing accounts.

Fabiola Camacho — Account Director

I’m still in disbelief that 2017 has come to an end, but I’m so grateful for the challenges I’ve taken on during this rollercoaster ride of a year. In 2018, I want to focus on building up my leadership and management skills and continue to help lead the Chicago Tech practice within 3Points. I’m also a big fan of processes, and as we scale, I want to help ensure we have standardization across the services we provide so that every client receives the highest quality of work and attention from 3Points.

Mike Cavanaugh — Business Development Consultant

I have several goals for the new year. I want to build a full-blown outbound sales pipeline and establish a presence in other FinTech centers in the US, as well as plan educational events and establish a formal board of directors to help our team grow.

Christopher Crisanti — Analyst

My resolutions for 2018 are modest. I hope to finish at least one book per quarter in the hopes that I can expand my knowledge on a variety of topics, whether they be directly linked to doing business in Chicago or simply for pleasure.

I also hope to make strides in my analytic pursuits. I’ve enjoyed working with Sam to expand our data insights, but 2018 will be the year that 3Points takes full advantage of data-insight tools and uses them to our clients’ benefit.

Katie Huffaker — Account Director

Growing personally and professionally is always top-of-mind when a new year comes around. My main goal for 2018 is to feel more confident as a leader and to help the company grow by bringing in new business for the HR Tech practice. I want to continue providing my clients with the utmost attention and unwavering account service, but also help 3Points reach its maximum potential with new and exciting clients. Additionally, I’d like to take on more responsibilities for 3Points’ branding. That means improving my design skills so I can bring fresh, design-forward pieces to our brand.

Some of my other, general goals include continuing to grow top-line revenue, keeping the culture #lit, and helping the team improve as professionals.

Lorna Kiewert — Account Director

Professional development is important, especially at a small company, because it keeps your skills fresh and sharp. My resolution for 2018 is to take advantage of 3Points’ professional-development stipend to master a new skill for our clients. Currently my interests include both graphic design and email marketing.

Drew Mauck — Founder & Principal

I’d like to stick with the informal habit I picked up in Q4 of writing down 3Things that I need to accomplish every day when I first hit the office. I’d also like to regularly let the team know how much I appreciate their commitment to our clients’ success. Work in 2018 is little like it was 10 years ago. Slack, gchat, and smartphones mean client work is on our mind 16 hours a day, which, when you work with good clients as we do, is a good thing, but tiring. With that in mind, I want to make sure that everyone at 3Points is achieving a balance between professional life and pursuits beyond our profession. On another note, I want to continue to drive towards evidence-based leadership and not rely as much on emotions.

Katie O’Shea — Content Strategist

I’m excited to help build out the HR Tech and Chicago Tech practices even further this year. With our team’s myriad capabilities, we’re in a great position to do impactful work for clients, current and future. I also hope to develop even more owned media content for the company. That includes helping bolster our current efforts at making our content more visual, making sure our work evolves to stay fresh and relevant.

Will Ruben — Account Director

Now that 2018 has arrived, I’m eager to help 3Points scale. While we have a team of experienced, seasoned employees, this year will be about bringing in and nurturing the next generation of 3Points talent. One of my most important goals for 2018 is helping to foster an environment where we bring in top talent that we can use to better serve clients, while also putting a focus on continuing to improve our work.

Sam Svoboda — Content & Analytics Director

From a company standpoint, we’re going to try to crystalize our long-term goals in 2018. We did a lot of important work this year on revamping our structure and improving our overall efficiency on a day-to-day basis. We’ll definitely continue that, but now we’re in a place where we can actually look further ahead and try to plan a year (or more) in advance, which is exciting.

Personally, I want to expand my skills in both key aspects of my position: content and analytics. For the former, I’d like to do more in Adobe Creative Cloud outside of video editing in Premiere Pro — I do a lot of photography for 3Points (and on my own), so learning more about photo editing would be helpful. For analytics, I’m working on creating formulas around key financial indicators that can dynamically update as we grow.

There is much we hope to accomplish this year, and we feel confident that the strides we made over the past few months have set us up for success in 2018. Be sure to follow our social media accounts for updates on our progress, and we wish you luck with your own new year’s resolutions!

